Coleccionistas y restauradores de pinball/petacos

¿"Nueva" Medieval Madness?

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view post Posted on 21/10/2013, 03:30

De acuerdo que hay mucha demanda y poca oferta, no hay casi fabricantes y pocas máquinas para tanto aficionado.

Esto no quita que yo mañana, viendo el tirón que tienen, me pueda poner a copiar la TAF, IJ, TZ, porque en estos tres casos, las patentes que puedan tener cumplen este mismo año y los diseños industriales (dibujos, forma, colores) cumplieron hace 5, todo según lo que dice la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual y esta página de abogados especializados de USA y eso si han pagado las renovaciones que deben de hacer en cada pais donde quieran protegerlo. La única duda es en cuanto a los dibujos (playfield, plásticos, backglass), ya que depende de como los registraron en su momento, si como diseño industrial o como derechos de autor. Si es el último caso son como 70 u 80 años después de muerto el autor cuando cumplen.

Vamos que Fugarolas o PinballProject pueden fabricar sus copias de repuestos (rampas por ejemplo) sin que nadie les tosa, eso entiendo yo, o si los dibujos estan desprotegidos llegar a fabricar un pinball entero idéntico, salvo por la marca Williams. Así ya tendríamos la oferta para bajar los precios tan inflados que tenemos hoy en día.

Bueno, me voy a dormir, que se me está yendo la pinza.


view post Posted on 21/10/2013, 10:30

Lo raro es que los chinos con lo espabilados que son no hayan visto negocio en los pinballs. Ya fabrican y exportan clones de recreativas de la última hornada tipo japonesas como las naomis, welix,...otra cosa es la calidad de esos productos.
view post Posted on 19/12/2013, 09:37

Adicto pinbolero



Ya tenemos video en juego de la MMR:

Igual es la sensacion que me da, pero la veo justita de fuerza, y mas con esa pendiente. No querran romperla antes de tiempo :P

Tambien han colgado algunas imagenes de debajo del tablero y la CPU:


Para mas info, podeis seguir su "blog":
view post Posted on 19/12/2013, 14:59


Queda confirmado que usan como CPU una placa Beaglebone Black, una muy buena elección, es una placa muy barata (40 euros PVP), potente (1Ghz), rodando linux, con arranque desde flash o tarjeta SD. Lo que no queda claro es si están usando un TFT como pantalla, o es el DMD de siempre, porque en la placa, parte superior derecha se ve un conector de 2x7 que pone DMD (aunque no hay nada conectado), y también se aprecia que están usando la salida HDMI de video, para un TFT.

Otra explicación posible a la toma HDMI que están usando, es que por ahí estén cogiendo únicamente el sonido, y la pantalla sea un DMD convencional conectada al conector de 2x7. La Beaglebone Black, no tiene salida de audio por jack o RCA, solo a través de HDMI (igual también está en el puerto de expansión).


view post Posted on 30/12/2013, 00:12

Adicto pinbolero



ya le he visto un punto débil los condensadores electrolíticos si la máquina tiene uso intensivo estos pueden llegar a abombarse y fastidiarte la placa los conectores son finos tipo SATA para el playfield y lo demás el molex de toda la vida es una placa pequeña por lo que pagas la miniatura, en la parte de abajo del playfield hay muchos más componentes y placas nuevos que espero soporten andar sacando y metiendo el playfield para el mantenimiento o lo llevan claro,no estaría de más un protector para esas placas.
view post Posted on 31/12/2013, 01:32

Aficionado pinbolero



Me da miedo la pedazo de placa electrónica debajo del tablero, no dará problemas y se fisurará con el juego, ademas como se estropeé, me parece que no va
a ser sencillo arreglarla,
view post Posted on 31/12/2013, 15:04

Adicto pinbolero



totalmente de acuerdo necesita protección porque está muy expuesta y si se limpia el tablero habrá que prestar mucha atención a que no se filtre nada hacia esa placa.
view post Posted on 31/12/2013, 16:29


Pola de Siero - Asturias -


No creo que sea para tanto. Parece mucho mas grande de que realmente es...
Si os fijáis la "famosa" placa esta situada entre los slingshots y el castillo, es mas, casi podríamos decir que de los trolls para abajo. Las placas de transistores y demás están sujetas a su vez a esta placa, por lo que tienen protección extra. Vamos, que la zona del tablero a la que afecta esta llena de inserts y creo que poco riesgo puede tener, esta es una opinión personal.
No cabe duda que estamos acostumbrados a tener las placas en el cabezal, es mas cómodo y mas seguro. Pero también es probable que la opción utilizada para la nueva MM abarate mucho los costes y simplifique el diseño.
view post Posted on 29/3/2014, 09:12

Adicto pinbolero



Acaban de colgar unas fotografias y video en pinside de la primera maquina colocada para su prueba en el Texas Pinball Festival, en EEUU.

Si teneis curiosidad:

No me he puesto a verla a fondo, pero me ha llamado la atencion a primera vista que los famosos dorados de la version limitada son simplemente un esmalte color oro, y sabiendo como son los americanos, van a poner el grito en el cielo en 2 minutos :P (y seguramente con razon, pq creo recordar que habia 1000$ de diferencia respecto a la normal)
view post Posted on 29/3/2014, 17:49

Adicto pinbolero



Una amigo mio americano se va a pillar una Medieval Madness de esas, me ha dicho que tiene que esperar mas o menos 1 año de espera hasta que se la den.
Web Contacts  Top
view post Posted on 30/3/2014, 23:38

Me parece muy interesante, con lo que habrá más oferta de estas máquinas demandas, que no sé si se traducirá en una bajada de precios en segundamano.
view post Posted on 15/5/2014, 01:30

Adicto pinbolero



Como era de preveer, Planetary Pinball Supply, el fabricante de la nueva Medieval Madness, ha hecho uso de la sensatez, y en lugar de construir una fabrica de 0, ha preferido subcontratar el montaje de sus maquinas.
Lo sorprendente es a quien se lo ha encargado... A Stern Pinball.
Segun acaba de anunciar Stern en su cuenta de Facebook, han llegado a un acuerdo para el montaje de la reproduccion en los proximos meses, con piezas suministradas por PPS.
No se por que, imaginaba que la alianza iba a ser con Jersey Jack, siendo tb esto para Jack una forma de rentabilizar el gasto que ha hecho en su fabrica, ademas de ser menos competencia para PPS. Pero parece ser que los retrasos en la fabricacion de sus propias maquinas han empujado a PPS a buscar un constructor mas fiable y con experiencia, como es Stern.

Os pego el anuncio:
Planetary Pinball, Chicago Gaming and Stern Pinball announce Specialty Manufacturing Arrangement

CHICAGO, IL – MAY 14, 2014 – Planetary Pinball Supply (“PPS”), Chicago Gaming Company (“CGC”) and Stern Pinball, Inc. (“SPI”), today announced a specialty manufacturing arrangement pursuant to which SPI will make its manufacturing facility available to PPS and CGC to assemble their remake of the Medieval Madness (“MMR”) pinball game.

CGC, which has a long-standing business relationship with SPI, will assemble the game for PPS in SPI’s factory using SPI’s factory labor and production line assets. The game will be assembled with parts supplied by CGC which consist of original WMS specification parts combined with the new electronics and lighting systems designed by CGC. Final prep, packaging and shipment will be from CGC facility in Cicero, IL.

“We think this arrangement provides the best solution to insure the timely delivery of a high quality game for our customers who wish to own this legendary title” said Rick Bartlett, President of PPS.

“We have a long-standing relationship with SPI and its high capacity manufacturing operation will allow us to complete the MMR games in a timely fashion,” added Doug Duba, President of CGC.

“We’re looking forward to helping PPS and CGC exceed the expectations of Medieval Madness pinball enthusiasts,” said Gary Stern, President of SPI.
view post Posted on 15/5/2014, 08:23

Ahora habrá que ver si el acuerdo en un futuro se prolonga pero en sentido contrario, es decir, cediéndole los derechoos PPS a Stern para que pueda "remasterizar" algún clásico de Williams.
view post Posted on 15/5/2014, 08:41

Adicto pinbolero



Stern "remasterizar"? Los derechos son de PPS, y va a continuar haciendo clasicos. El ritmo se desconoce, pero no lo ha descartado. Y todavia no hay nombres ni los habra hasta que hayan vendido todas las MM posibles.

Han publicado una FAQ debido a lo insolito del acuerdo:

ANNOUNCEMENT FAQ: Planetary Pinball, Chicago Gaming and Stern Pinball announce Specialty Manufacturing Arrangement (5/14/14)

Q: What is the announcement?
A: The announcement is that Chicago Gaming Co (CGC) and Planetary Pinball Supply, Inc.(PPS) will be using the Stern Pinball, Inc (SPI) factory to assemble the Playfield and Cabinet assemblies for Medieval Madness Remake, using both original spec WEG (Williams Electronic Games, Inc.) Medieval Madness parts and newly-designed CGC parts (electronics and lighting systems).  SPI will make its manufacturing facility and factory labor available to PPS and CGC.

Q: Why would you do this as I thought CGC was making the game?
A: CGC is ‘making the game’ for PPS and, as such, they have designed, prototyped and tested the game.  CGC retains responsibility for the BOM (bill of materials), overall QA responsibility for the game, as well as packaging and shipping. What is happening is that rather than build a pinball production line, we will be using SPI’s. SPI has a high capacity line and manufacturing operation.

Q:  If you were picking a pinball manufacturer – why not pick JJP since you already have a relationship with them?
A: A number of reasons go into this – first we have a relationship with SPI as well and SPI has been doing contract manufacturing for many years, and is geared up for it whereas JJP is very focused on producing its own games (WOZ, etc). Additionally, the logistics between CGC and SPI already exist – trucks move back and forth between the companies daily, as well as the finishing up at CGC would not be able to happen if the game were assembled in New Jersey. There is a lot of sub-assembly that is being done both at CGC as well as with suppliers in the Chicago area, so this is another consideration.

Q; Why would Stern Pinball do this – helping out a ‘competitor’?
A: MMR is going to be built one way or another and SPI believes MMR fits into their contract manufacturing line of business, which helps keep its factory busy during breaks  between Stern-branded games.  Additionally, there is a reduction in market uncertainty by insuring the game comes out sooner than later, which helps everyone.

Q: What does this do to the schedule?
A: The great news is it firms up the schedule as SPI can build upwards of 200 games/week on its line and this will allow MMR’s to be scheduled to be assembled in one or more builds, which will help ensure that we will finish the LE’s before the end of the year – so it basically allows us to get a lot more games out in a much shorter period of time with a different ramp up.  The initial games will slip a few weeks to get everything setup to run. Everything assumes of course the timely delivery of all quality parts needed to assemble the game from CGC.

Q: Does this change the plan for Pre-Production games?
A: The pre-production games will now be assembled at the SPI factory, to give the production line a warmup for starting the overall assembly of the first run. The pre-production gets pushed out a few weeks.

Q: What about the quality – are you sacrificing quality by going with Stern Pinball?
A: The quality of a game is a function of many factors including parts selection, design, as well as build quality. For the MMR, the assembly is using OUR set of parts and OUR design. As for build quality, the objective is to have the same build quality as the original Medieval Madness. Additionally, we will incorporate CGC Quality Control people into the SPI line to address and escalate any build issues. Finally, SPI itself has major initiatives focused on improving build quality, which will benefit us.  

Conversely, there is a learning curve and a ramp up of building a new manufacturing line – there are people to hire, train, etc, and lots of design and working to get ‘things right’. Additionally, from all of our cumulative manufacturing experience, we all know that a new assembly facility would have ‘bumps in the road’. We chose this path to help avoid those bumps which would translate to delays that we could not predict and thus more uncertainty and delay in customers getting their games at the level of quality that they expect. Also, if you do not keep an assembly line running then you have issues with people not having work in-between, retraining … and potentially quality issues popping up from time to time. SPI’s assembly line does not have these issues and they can handle the capacity of the MMR games.

Q: When did this decision get made – have you been keeping us in the dark?
A: The decision was brought up in earnest in March, and we had initial discussions, including a list of concerns that we wanted addressed (many of the concerns that are being answered in this FAQ). We had some additional discussion between CGC/PPS/SPI management and PPS/CGC came to a decision in early May that this would be the best path for the customer.

Q: Does this mean Stern Pinball will be building all of the PPS/CGC games?
A: This decision is for MMR, that is the focus. There have been no discussions with SPI about building any more games. We will deliver MMR first, and then consider what the market tells us and proceed based on that.  

Q: Why wouldn’t Stern Pinball just sabotage the game or the dates, etc?
A: SPI has a strong reputation and the industry is very small. Additionally, this supports SPI’s business in terms of contract manufacturing (assembly), and our customers are in many cases SPI’s customers and visa-versa – the pinball community is a very tight space, and any negatives like this would not serve SPI. CGC has an ongoing business relationship with SPI, providing Cabinets and Playfields for SPI games, so there is a strong business and industry relationship there. PPS has always been on respectful terms with SPI (and we are the exclusive provider of Gary Stern’s personal Jelly Belly stash!). In the end, the market players are embracing the ‘coompetition model’ – where players can both ‘compete’ but also ‘cooperate’ at the same time – a refreshing option in this case which we believe will benefit all of our customers

Mas informacion, fotos, videos, etc en...
view post Posted on 11/9/2014, 22:39

Adicto pinbolero



Bueno, ya empiezan a calentar motores... El mismisimo Roger Sharpe promocionando Medieval Madness R.!!

Si os animais a comprarla ya sabeis, unos eurillos y a por ella!:
39 replies since 18/10/2013, 19:06   2940 views